Family, Faith, and Freedom: How I Found Recovery

Rita U., Narconon Graduate
Rita U., Narconon Graduate

I was born and raised in Hungary. There was a lot of violence in and around my home, so I spent most of my time on the streets and started using drugs when I was 14.

Despite the challenges, I had dreams and managed to study and get into university. Before my daily alcohol use began, I had a fiancé, and we had many plans that we started to make a reality. This was the happiest time of my life as I had everything I wished for.

Then he disappeared. I had never really learned to deal with this type of loss, so this hit me hard, and I started drinking daily. I couldn’t handle my life anymore, and I thought I couldn’t make it through a single day if I wasn’t drinking. I went from one bad relationship to another until, in the last one, I was completely hopeless. I was no longer able to work or take responsibility for my own life. My family was sad and didn’t know what to do. My boyfriend and I broke up, and at that moment, I knew I couldn’t stand up on my own, so I asked my family for help. My sister knew about Narconon and suggested I go there and do the program. The staff came to my house to help me pack. I was scared, but I felt safe knowing that I finally had help and wasn’t alone. They were really nice and helpful. Even though it was hard to go through the program, I knew this was my chance to change my life, and I really wanted to live again. Thanks to the program, I got my self-confidence back, I have a purpose again, and I really enjoy being sober and thinking clearly. What surprised me most was that I could laugh again. The graduation was amazing, and I was so proud of myself. I look forward to achieving more goals in life as I am finally capable of living. I now have a really good relationship with my family.

“My mom is so happy, and I am so grateful that she can see me healthy and doing well. Being sober is great; I can trust myself, I have real feelings, I can do things, and I am part of life again.”

My mom is so happy, and I am so grateful that she can see me healthy and doing well. Being sober is great; I can trust myself, I have real feelings, I can do things, and I am part of life again.

I would tell people who are struggling with addiction to choose life. The sadness all goes away once they start getting better by doing the program. It works perfectly, and they can get back to being themselves. For those in early recovery who are already doing the program, I advise them not to give up, no matter how hard it is. Being addicted is a painful life; this is nothing compared to daily suffering. The results will come, and it is amazing!

Rita U., Narconon Graduate

Matt Hawk


After graduating from the program in 2008, Matt works to help others find a new way to live life, free from drugs and alcohol. Matt is an Internationally certified drug and alcohol counselor and has written extensively on addiction and evidence-based …
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