I Have Been Clean and Sober for Over 18 Years Thanks to the Narconon Program!

J.B., Narconon Arrowhead Graduate with his wife

I have been clean and sober for over 18 years, thanks to the Narconon Program! My life is similar to most people who struggle with drug and alcohol issues. I had a problem in my life and used drugs and alcohol as a solution to my problem.

Over time and without meaning to, drugs and alcohol soon became the problem.

This idea that drugs solved problems started at a young age when I was put on Ritalin and told that I needed to take a drug to be “normal.” At seven years old, that had a huge impact on me. As I got older, the type of drugs I used to be “normal” expanded to marijuana, mushrooms, cocaine as well as LSD. Since I was told that I needed to take drugs by a doctor, this all was nicely justified in my mind.

As I got older, my father, who I adored, was diagnosed with dementia at a very young age. I used this as another reason to justify my drug and alcohol use. When my father passed away, I made a promise to him that I was going to change my life for the better. It was not until I was involved in a really severe car accident a few months later that I realized I could not continue to do the things I was doing or act the way I was acting. I had what some people called a “moment of clarity,” and I knew I needed to be responsible for my life. I was 26 years old.

I entered the Narconon program knowing that I was going to fully embrace what the program had to offer. I was tired, tired of being alone in my own world, being drowned every day with drugs and alcohol. Also, I knew that if I did not make significant changes in my life, I would either wind up dead or in jail; that’s where I was.

When I say that the program gave me my life back, it gave me clarity over my decisions. I was educated on what drugs and alcohol were actually doing to my body and how I was becoming more and more unhealthy the longer I exposed myself to these poisons. I had always believed and been told that it takes other pharmaceutical drugs to get clean or sober, drugs to get off of drugs. This never made sense to me.

Narconon’s philosophy was 100% drug-free and encouraged that when a person completes the program, they could be drug-free for good; this appealed to me. I did not want to be a prisoner to my addictions anymore; I wanted to be free, and I wanted to be in control of my life, and to be honest, for the first time, I had the opportunity to achieve that.

After I had committed to the intense program, I began to see changes in myself. One of the most noticeable things I recall was that I started dreaming again, which seems like a small thing, but when you are rebuilding your life, it is the small things that matter the most. I went through the Purification step in the program and detoxed my body from the physical residues left behind from my years of drug use. This aspect of the program not only made getting clean and sober more of a reality but gave me hope that this time, I would actually be able to achieve what I had set out to do!

Once that part was finished, I confronted a lot of the things that I had done that had gotten me to where I was in my life as a whole. This was not easy by any means, but it helped me to become an honest and ethical individual. The second part of the program is where the life work is really done. I gained the tools that I still use to this day, which have kept me clean and sober for over 18 years.

“It will take you an investment of your time and a piece of your life, but in return, you will receive an abundance of gifts you could never imagine! Today, I am happily married with the love of my life, I have my family back, and most importantly, I am happier than I have ever been living a life that I am in control of without drugs or alcohol.” The Narconon program wasn’t just a rehab program for me. It changed my life.

Completing the program will take time, but in return, you will receive an abundance of gifts you could never imagine! Today, I am happily married to the love of my life, I have my family back, and most importantly, I am happier than I have ever been, living a life that I am in control of without drugs or alcohol.

I hope this story brings you hope, from one person who has done it to the countless thousands who have also accomplished this achievement. Success is possible, and it is done one day at a time, one choice at a time, and one life at a time!

J.B., Narconon Arrowhead Graduate