My Investment in My Son’s Future with Narconon Program

M.R., Mother and her son Narconon graduate

When my son was young he played soccer and football, liked to go fishing, and was a good, normal kid.

He started to do drugs when he was around 15 or 16. I did not realize that he was doing drugs until someone told me. When he was using drugs he was less happy, more “grouchy”, and more inclined to argue with me. He was not mean, but I knew something was going on.

When he decided to handle the drug use he did this on his own. He had made up his mind that he had to change and get off drugs. But he needed help and when he found Narconon he came to me asking for help. Of course, I agreed.

I am very glad that I did. The staff at Narconon were very polite and friendly and it was very obvious they wanted to help him. My son liked them and the way he was treated while doing the program.

Since he finished the Narconon program he has been much more responsible and hard-working. He is happier and wants to help others. We have a good relationship and he tries to help me.

As his mother I wanted the best for him and his future, and since he did the Narconon program I see that he is going to have that.

“I helped my son to do the Narconon program and doing this has paid me back many times over.”

I would say to every parent that they should help their children get off drugs if they need help. They can help and everything they do to help their child is worth it.  I helped my son do the Narconon program and doing this has paid me back many times over.

M.R., Mother of Narconon Graduate

Matt Hawk


After graduating from the program in 2008, Matt works to help others find a new way to live life, free from drugs and alcohol. Matt is an Internationally certified drug and alcohol counselor and has written extensively on addiction and evidence-based …
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