Cocaine Statistics and Trends


November 28, 2024

“Pink Cocaine” Makes Its Way into Texas from Miami, Los Angeles, New York, and Latin America

“Pink cocaine,” a new drug mixture, has arrived in Texas following distribution in major U.S. cities and Latin America. Despite the name, it seldom contains cocaine and is instead a risky mix of drugs like ketamine, MDMA, methamphetamine, and fentanyl. The drug’s pink coloring is meant to attract users, but its unpredictable ingredients make it extremely dangerous.


June 22, 2022

Club Drugs Show Rising Usage Across the United States

Not all mind-altering substances receive equal attention from the media, policymakers, and public health officials. But any drug has the potential to harm the user, hence the importance of understanding usage trends and statistics for all drugs. This article briefly highlights relevant trends and statistics regarding club drug usage.