Synthetic Drug Addiction

Find more information about synthetic drugs and synthetic drug addiction with professionally reviewed up-to-date articles. Getting informed is the first step in overcoming synthetic drug addiction.
MoreWhile all types of drug abuse are accompanied by dangers, the hazards associated with synthetic drugs are staggering. The formulas for these drugs are entirely unpredictable, the adulterants and contaminants are toxic and the effects can be fatal for the user and bystanders as well.
Find more information about synthetic drugs and synthetic drug addiction with professionally reviewed up-to-date articles. Getting informed is the first step in overcoming synthetic drug addiction.
MoreBecause there are many different categories of synthetic drugs, there are also many different signs of addiction. The short story of synthetic drug abuse is that it is both intensely dangerous and addictive.
MoreStay informed on the latest news, trends and statistics on synthetic drug addiction and synthetic drug-related news.
MoreThe two main classes of synthetic drugs are synthetic cannabinoids, possibly billed as K2 or Spice, and synthetic cathonines, often called “bath salts.” These drugs are also referred to as “designer drugs.”
For some years, the big appeals of synthetic drugs were that they were legal (until states caught up and passed laws outlawing their sale and possession), and they did not show up on drug tests. These drugs are now illegal in many areas and there are drug tests available for many of these formulas.
Some vendors package these drugs with misleading labels, claiming that they are “not for human consumption.” That does not make them any less dangerous or deadly.
Synthetic drugs have only become a serious international problem since 2009, when many of these drugs began to be seen in Europe.1 Unscrupulous chemists continued to devise new formulas without regard for how they would affect human life, and now there are hundreds of these formulas. They soon arrived in America, with unpredictable and life-threatening results.
While the various formulas sold as Spice or K2 are supposed to mimic the effects of marijuana, the only similarity is that chemicals are sprayed onto herbal material that is then smoked or brewed into tea.
The effects of these various drugs include:2
Overdoses of these drugs have resulted in death by heart attack or kidney failure requiring hospitalization.
Synthetic cathinones are supposed to mimic the effects of khat, a psychoactive herb smoked in Eastern Africa for its stimulating effects. These formulas are usually sold as white or off-white powders that are then swallowed, snorted, smoked, or injected.3
These drugs typically cause:
These drugs can also cause a toxic breakdown of muscle fibers and seizures. One of the worst physical effects of synthetic cathinone use is a condition called excited delirium. This condition of extreme agitation, intense confusion and violent behavior can result in organ failure and death.
The arrival of these drugs introduced a whole new level of destruction to the world of drug abuse in America. Suicides and incomprehensible and senseless murders were the results of the paranoia and hallucinations they caused.
These drugs can be addictive, requiring professional help to recover one’s sobriety.
DEA. “Drugs of Abuse.” Drug Enforcement Agency, 2017. DEA Publication (PDF) ↩︎
NIDA. “Synthetic Cannabinoids (K2/Spice) DrugFacts.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2020. NIDA Article ↩︎
NIDA. “Synthetic Cathinones (“Bath Salts”) DrugFacts.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2020. NIDA Article ↩︎